Holistic Therapies with Lisa

Holistic Therapies with Lisa

Lisa is a highly experienced therapist offering Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as EFT) and compassionate listening.

Compassionate Inquiry

Compassionate Inquiry draws upon the understanding and research of trauma, the body-stress connection, and somatic practices all held by an emphasis in presence, safety, and compassion.


EFT is a set of simple and effective self-help techniques and therapeutic tools, sometimes known as “acupuncture without needles” or “tapping therapy”.
It is one of the family of Meridian Therapies, which are part of the recent developments in Energy Psychology. EFT combines stimulation of a series of acupressure points with cognitive restructuring (specially worded affirmations) that often leads to rapid positive shifts in thinking patterns and emotional issues.


Select your appointment:

(Get to know your therapist with a longer session to start, with 45 minute follow up appointments available thereafter)


(Under-grad students, unemployed, in-receipt of benefits, dependant on a state pension)

60 mins – £30

90 mins – £45

EFT is a great self-help tool and can be learned in minutes. It can be applied to provide relief from a wide variety of distressing emotional, psychological and physical symptoms.
Over 100 clinical trials have shown that EFT is effective for anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, phobias, and many physical diagnoses.
EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress.
**Note: working with a practitioner may be beneficial when addressing more complex issues.

I look forward to the possibility of sharing these healing approaches with you.

Some of the areas of focus I can work with you on are loss, grief, anxiety, depression and trauma recovery.

My training includes Compassionate Inquiry, Emotional Freedom Technique- Level Three- Advanced, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Wheel of Consent, Trauma informed Holistic Bodywork, Mindfulness, Taoist meditation, qigong and yoga.

My past experience includes the following: Social Prescribing Link Worker: Coaching and supporting behavioural change for people with long-term health conditions including asthma, COPD and diabetes. Working alongside people at their starting point to encourage and support them to become more engaged in managing their own health. Supporting people to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence. Guiding and supporting people to reflect on and change their health-related behaviours to help them reach their self-identified health and wellbeing goals.

Community Enabler: Supporting vulnerable adults with physical and mental health issues and learning disabilities, including autistic individuals, to access their communities and achieve personal outcomes. Assisting individuals to access relevant information and make informed choices.

Family Support Worker and Supervisor: Providing emotional support via a telephone and live chat system. Working with a range of issues, including social isolation, mental health, self-harm, suicidal feelings, divorce and separation and parenting. Supervising and mentoring volunteers. Classroom Assistant: Supporting primary aged children with literacy and numeracy, primarily SEN. Actor: Theatre, Television and short films. Theatre-in- Education, Corporate training.

Compassionate Listening and Emotional Freedom Technique.

I help people nourish a gentle, kind and compassionate relationship with themselves, mind, body and spirit.
In these sessions I offer a compassionate space for you to feel seen and heard and to support you in generating more self-compassion, respect, acceptance, insight, healing, freedom and connection with yourself and others, supporting the process of connecting to the truth within yourself in the present moment, becoming free from self-generated suffering, and gaining greater insight, clarity and choice in your behaviour. 

I work with my clients on what is important to them. Many people find it difficult to admit to themselves and others that they are struggling. They may even feel ashamed that they have these difficulties or even believe they deserve to suffer.

These sessions may be for you if:

>You need dedicated time and space to honour a process you are growing through (life changes, loss, challenges, confusion) 
>You need support and guidance from healing approaches to reconnect with yourself and your truth you want to connect with your heart and body.
>You want to explore the wisdom of your body.
> You are ready to be curious about difficult emotions, outdated beliefs and coping mechanisms that are no longer serving you.
>You are ready for a deeper clarity and freedom from suffering.
>You would like a more harmonious relationship with yourself, others and the world.

I draw largely from my recent training in Compassionate Inquiry with Dr. Gabor Mate and Sat Dharam. I also weave into my sessions knowledge and wisdom from other modalities I have training in, including NLP, counselling and Solution Focused Therapy.

“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.”

~ Pema Chödrön

Here’s how our complementary health therapies work…