Holistic Therapies with Jane

Holistic Therapies with Jane

Hi, my name is Jane and I am a fully qualified acupuncturist. I trained for 3 years at the Northern College of Acupuncture in York, graduating with a BSc Acupuncture in 2022. I am a member of both the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and the Association of Community and Multibed Acupuncture Clinics (ACMAC).

Acupuncture is one of the oldest and widely used forms of medicine and it is effective in treating a wide range of health conditions. It works by harnessing the body’s natural healing resources to regain balance and wellness.

**NEW PATIENTS – A minimum of 60 minutes is required for your first appointment. This allows adequate time for a full initial consultation and a more effective treatment plan. 45 minutes is fine for follow-up sessions.**


Select your appointment:

(Get to know your therapist with a longer session to start, with 45 minute follow up appointments available thereafter)


(Under-grad students, unemployed, in-receipt of benefits, dependant on a state pension)

60 mins – £30

90 mins – £45

Follow Up

45 mins – £25

Here are just a few ways acupuncture can help you:

Pain Management

Alleviate acute and chronic pain without drugs or side-effects. Acupuncture helps patients to move out of pain by treating the root of the problem and offering a natural therapy that restores optimal function and allows the body to heal.

Hormonal Health, Prenatal & Postnatal Care

Acupuncture is a natural therapy for PMDD, menstrual pain & irregularities, PCOS, fertility, prenatal and postnatal care.

Anxiety, Depression & Mental Health

Acupuncture can provide you with a drug-free solution to your anxiety, depression, stress or cognitive decline.

Digestive Health

Resolve your gut issues naturally. Find relief from gas and bloating, IBS, IBD, heart burn, acid reflux, stomach pain, constipation and diarrhoea. Focusing on your digestion can also lead to a boost in your immune system and help with symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Insomnia and Sleep Issues

Acupuncture is a natural aid to many acute and chronic sleep issues which can often lie at the root of many other symptoms.

Contact me

At jane.eaglesham@hotmail.com for more information or pop in to the centre for a cuppa and a chat. I’m always happy to talk about acupuncture and how it can help with almost everything!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture meridians are energetic channels that run throughout the body creating links between the organs, bones and tendons. They contain energy known as Qi (pronounced Chee)

When Qi gets blocked or becomes stagnant, it can cause complications which affects both physical and emotional well-being. Acupuncture points are small areas under your skin where Qi gathers, creating energetic pools that are accessible with acupuncture needles.

What Does Acupuncture Treat?

Whereas the focus of western medicine is to treat symptoms associated with a particular illness, acupuncture treats the individual and not the disease. What this means is that each person experiences a unique set of circumstances that contribute to the relative state of disease and wellness. Each treatment is fine-tuned to treat each individual in the specific way that they need to be treated, based on the signs, symptoms, and circumstances they display. Based on this perspective, acupuncture can treat anything from pain to emotional disorders to hormonal imbalances by tailoring each treatment in a way that will benefit the fundamental capacity for health unique to each person.

Do I Have to Be Sick in Order to Receive Acupuncture?

Acupuncture does not only treat disease but also treats the mind, body and spirit of each individual person by enhancing digestion, relaxation, sleep, circulation and psycho-emotional processes. Acupuncture is a highly effective form of prevent medicine through it’s ability to promote and maintain homeostasis.

Does it Hurt? Is It Sterile?

Acupuncture needles are much finer than other needles that you may be used to. They are sterile, individually packaged and disposed of after each treatment. The sensations a person may feel upon insertion range from barely noticeable to a slight pinch. Acupuncture typically does not hurt and tends to promote a very comfortable, relaxed state in most people.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Acute issues may resolve within just a few treatments, while chronic conditions tend to take longer to treat. Chinese medicine regards states of health and disease as unique to each person, tailoring treatment guidelines towards individual differences in response to treatment. It is recommended to initially commit to 6 sessions to evaluate efficacy and reassess treatment goals. It is important to allow however much time is needed to achieve your optimal healing.

How Long Does a Treatment Take?

The first appointment consists of a thorough intake and a treatment that may last up to 90 minutes. This will include taking your history, listening to your concerns and answering your questions as well as formulation of comprehensive mind-body-spirit assessment and diagnosis. Follow-up appointments include a shorter intake and treatment.

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